Baddha Padmasana – Locked Lotus


Baddha Padmasana, Locked Lotus, Restrained Lotus

How to perform Baddha Padmasana

Baddha Padmasana is an advanced variation of Padmasana. Before you start practicing Baddha Padmasana, you must be perfect in Padmasana, otherwise it is not really possible to perform the pose correctly.

For the restrained lotus pose you go into Padmasana from Dandasana. When you are in the complete Lotus pose, you cross your arms in your back so that your right hand is now at your left side and your left hand on the right side. Now grab your right toe with your left hand and your left toe with your right hand.

Keep your back straight. Sit a while in this pose, then change your legs the other way around to do it from the other side, too.

Going more Advanced in Baddha Padmasana

If this is not enough advanced for you, you can go further! Bend forward and place your chin on the floor in front of you with your back as straight as possible.

Benefits of Baddha Padmasana

Baddha Padmasana is definitely not a posture to fall asleep in! You have all the benefits of Padmasana with the maximum stretch of your leg muscles, hips, toes, ankles and knees and additionally the great stretch of your shoulders, arms and wrists.

You can imagine how much this pose increases your flexibility! You can prevent arthritis by keeping your joints flexible, too!

The crossing of your shoulders and arms in the back opens up your ribcage and lets your chest expand which gives your lungs space to breathe. Below your chest, in your abdomen, the organs are also stretched and your digestion is stimulated. With regular practice, this reduces the risk of constipation.

Baddha Padmasana helps you to keep your back straight also in every day’s life. This can prevent a row of back problems and imbalances in the spinal column.

This yoga pose can be beneficial for different kinds of back pain and shoulder pain. If you suffer from pain, you should however consult your doctor and yoga teacher before practicing it.

Kids love to try and you might be surprised that many of them are much more successful than their parents and other adults!

Focus Points

When you are in the pose, focus on the stretch in all your muscles and in your joints.
Baddha Padmasana is not a yoga pose that should be practiced for long periods of time.

Do not stay in the pose for more than 40 to 60 seconds. Stretch your legs after the practice so that you don’t give too much stress to your joints.

When to avoid Baddha Padmasana

Pregnant women should not practice the Restrained Lotus pose.

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