Dank religiöser Führer machte eine abgesagte Veranstaltung Atheismus noch bekannter! – 15 Okt 16
Swami Balendu tells of the atheist meeting that was planned in Vrindavan. It had to be cancelled due to violent protests of religious leaders.
Swami Balendu tells of the atheist meeting that was planned in Vrindavan. It had to be cancelled due to violent protests of religious leaders.
Swami Balendu tells of the atheist meeting that was planned in Vrindavan. It had to be cancelled due to violent protests of religious leaders.
Swami Balendu erzählt, wie an diesem Tag Moslems rund um die Welt Millionen Ziegen töten in einem Versuch, Gott zu erfreuen. Macht das deine imaginäre Vaterfigur glücklich?
Swami Balendu tells how on this day Muslims around the world kill millions of goats in an effort to please god. Does that really make your imaginary father figure happy?
Swami Balendu talks about the terrorist attacks on 9th September 2001 and how politicians are afraid of naming religion and Islam as the root of the problem.
Swami Balendu erzählt von den Terror-Anschlägen des 9. September 2001 und wie Politiker davor Angst haben, die Religion und den Islam als die Wurzel des Problems zu benennen.
Swami Balendu tells how money is used in religion to bribe spiritual gurus and even god!
Swami Balendu erzählt wie in der Religion spirituelle Gurus und sogar Gott mit Geld bestochen werden!
Swami Balendu tells of Hindu protests against a company that printed Hindu god Ganesha on shoes. On cigarette papers that are thrown away however, they don't mind it at all!
Swami Balendu erzählt von Hindu Protesten gegen eine Firma, die den Hindu Gott Ganesha auf Schuhe gedruckt hat. Auf Zigaretten-Papieren jedoch, die überall hingeworfen werden, ist das gar kein Problem!