Why Belief in God is not a Comfort after tragic Events like Rape – 6 Feb 13
Swami Balendu explains why it is not helpful to tell rape victims that they should believe in God – where was he when they were raped?
Swami Balendu explains why it is not helpful to tell rape victims that they should believe in God – where was he when they were raped?
Swami Ji writes about people who pray to God for fulfillment of their wishes and then give a generous donation to the temple or as if to bribe God.
Swami Ji writes about why many people in the west don?t have physical contact to anybody and feel lonely because of that.
Swami Ji writes about friends with whom you can share your heart and why this is such a special quality of friendships.
Swami ji writes about the deep wishes of everyone, our basic needs for security, closeness and love.
Swami Ji writes about how easily people call themselves yogi or master. In India these words have so much value that nobody would call themselves these titles.