Balendu was born in Vrindavan, India. Growing up in a spiritual family, Balendu gave his first spiritual lectures at the tender age of 9.
As the eldest son of the family, he continued the family tradition and became a spiritual guru, travelling throughout India, giving lectures in front of many followers and disciples. Yoga, Ayurveda, meditation and the practice of silence were integral parts of his life.
In 1996, Balendu founded an Ashram in his birth town, the Shree Bindu Sewa Sansthan Ashram, where he then had an underground cave built. Into this cave, he retreated on 10th September 1997 and spent the following three years and 108 days fully isolated from the world, meditating in the effort to find a deeper truth.
The man who emerged from the cave on the 24th December 2000 may not have changed much regarding his outer appearance but his view on the world had changed a lot during this retreat. He did not want to live the life of a guru anymore but meet people on an equal level, offering help and advice.
He thus started travelling throughout the world, giving lectures, counselling sessions and more, thus helping people to get clarity about their lives, and find mental and emotional peace.
In 2007, Balendu met his wife Ramona and after having worked and travelled together for some years, their daughter Apra was born in 2012. Together with Balendu’s family, they lived at the Ashram and enhanced not only this place for travellers who wished to get to know some more of India including experiences of Ayurveda and Yoga.
Not only did the Ashram grow but also their charity project: the Swami Balendu e.V. Kindergarten, founded in 2007, became the Swami Balendu e.V. Primary School, a place for unprivileged children to receive free education and meals. A school for those who would not be able to otherwise learn reading and writing, completely violence-free and equal to children of all castes.
In 2017, Balendu, Ramona and Apra moved to Germany and Balendu opened Ammaji’s Ayurveda Zentrum in Wiesbaden. From there, he now offers help and counselling for physical, mental and emotional problems.
You can come to Germany or even talk to Balendu online. He can also be invited for program at your place. And if you have any questions, simply email us and we will be happy to answer!