Wieder zurück bei unserer normalen Blog-Routine – 1 Okt 16
Swami Balendu tells about his routine of writing the diary – how it had been lost and how he is now back at it again – and happy about it!
Swami Balendu tells about his routine of writing the diary – how it had been lost and how he is now back at it again – and happy about it!
Swami Balendu tells about his routine of writing the diary – how it had been lost and how he is now back at it again – and happy about it!
Swami Balendu erzählt, dass ein Facebook-Freund zu ihm zu Besuch kam und sie sich so endlich persönlich trafen. Lies, wie sein Leben sich auch dahingehend verändert hat, dass er nun zu anderen Zeiten Freunde treffen kann.
Swami Balendu tells how a facebook friend came to visit him and finally meet in person. Read how his life changed, also about the times when he is available for meeting friends!
Swami Balendu describes how social media has brought benefits to his life, among others by bringing new friends to his life.
Swami Balendu beschreibt die positive Auswirkung von sozialen Medien auf sein Leben, unter anderem, wie er so neue Freunde gefinden hat.
Swami Balendu writes about social media and one should not believe everything one reads, sees or shares online.
Swami Balendu schreibt über soziale Medien und dass man nicht alles glauben sollte, was man online liest, sieht oder teilt.
Swami Balendu explains how it sometimes seems as though social networks would actually increase loneliness although they are made for helping people connect.
Swami Balendu erklärt, wie es manchmal scheint, als würde soziale Netzwerke Einsamkeit fördern, obwohl sie eigentlich dafür da sind, den Menschen zu helfen, Verbindungen zu schaffen.