Is it wrong if a Godwoman like Radhe Maa wears a Miniskirt? – 9 Aug 15
Swami Balendu tells of two TV interviews he gave on the weekend about a godwoman who was in media spotlight for wearing a mini skirt.
A Dream of an independent and Corruption-free Media – India Samvad – 23 Mar 15
Swami Balendu tells of a group that he has joined which has he mission of a corruption-free media. Read more about 'India Samvad'!
Maybe your Friendships are alright just as they are! – 25 Sep 13
Swami Balendu writes about the image of a perfect friendship that is propagated by the media. If your friendship is not like this, it may still be fine!
What if your Life is not how you thought it would be? – 20 Mar 12
Swami Balendu describes the most common expectations on our life and tells why we have to be confident even if life looks completely different.
Irresponsible Indian Media – TV Shows full of Magic and Superstition – 17 Nov 11
Swami Balendu describes how the Indian media uses talk shows and other programs to promote superstition instead of educating people.
Why is the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton important? – 29 Apr 11
Swami Balendu writes about the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton, how big of an interest the media takes and why we should actually let them celebrate alone.
Media Should Not Create Stories that Ruin Lives – 5 Jan 11
Swami Ji writes about a current scandal in Vrindavan. One married couple's private pictures have landed on everybody?s mobiles.
Indian Media on Barack Obama and Pakistan – 8 Nov 10
Swami ji writes about the news coverage about Obama's visit to India and his talk about Pakistan. News coverage is rather negative, read why.
Advertisement with Nearly Naked Beautiful Women – 30 Mar 09
Swami ji writes about media and advertisements that display nearly naked women which sets parameters for beauty and is not respectful for women.