4 Retirement Plans for Pope Benedict XVI after Resignation – 15 Feb 13
Swami Balendu writes down a few ideas on what he could imagine Pope Benedict XVI to do after retiring from his job as the Pope - add your own suggestions!
Swami Balendu writes down a few ideas on what he could imagine Pope Benedict XVI to do after retiring from his job as the Pope - add your own suggestions!
Swami Balendu describes the new Saint Kateri Tekakwitha, a Native American woman who is attributed healing powers – but only for Catholics!
Swami Balendu describes a meeting of the three world religion leaders and explains how they get to the conclusion that religion will end.
Swami Balendu describes the similarities of human worship in Christianity and Hinduism and makes it clear that there is not really a big difference.
Swami Ji describes the process of beatification and canonization in the Catholic church and why it seems to him as if that could happen in a small Indian village, too.
Swami ji writes about a statement of the Pope who talked about the child abuse scandal and saw it as a logical result of the attitude of society.
Swami Ji writes about the idea of the catholic church that contraceptives kill life before it starts and what conclusions you can draw if you follow this thought.
Swami ji writes about the idea of the Catholic Church that using contraceptives such as condoms could be against God?s will or opposing his creation.
Swami Ji writes about the idea of the Catholic Church that condoms are not supposed to be used for contraception. Does that count for India, too?
Swami Ji writes about the Pope?s statement that the use of condoms is fine as long as it is used only for preventing new HIV infections.