Female Independence is attractive – no Need to play needy! – 30 Aug 16
Swami Balendu explains that it is attractive to see a strong, independent woman – and that these women should not try to seem needy or ward off men altogether.
Swami Balendu explains that it is attractive to see a strong, independent woman – and that these women should not try to seem needy or ward off men altogether.
Swami Balendu describes in which way traditional gender roles are still a problem even in the west, not only in India. Read about ideas of manly and unmanly work!
Swami Balendu describes the issues that partners in an indo-western relationship can face due to the difference in gender roles in their countries.
Swami Balendu tells about a conversation he had with a friend about rape – and statistics. Read how his friend didn't even believe in figures.
Swami Balendu tells why it is difficult for him to be close with someone who believes in a traditional life according to old Indian culture. It just doesn't fit with the values of his own family!
Swami Balendu speaks out against gender discrimination: why does nobody ever ask men whether they really want to have sex?
Swami Balendu describes the Holi celebrations at the Ashram where Indian and non-Indian guests celebrate in a safe environment.
Swami Balendu tells about a very big problem in India: many women are disappointed when they give birth to a girl instead of a boy!
Swami Balendu describes the many problems that would be solved at the work place if more women were managers!
Swami Balendu tells of Pooja, a fifteen-year-old girl of his school whose parents wanted to marry her this year – until they convinced them not to!