A Competition I didn’t like, even after I had won it – 20 Jul 14
Swami Balendu tells how a friend organized a lecture competition. In the end, he won but still was not really happy with the concept.
Swami Balendu tells how a friend organized a lecture competition. In the end, he won but still was not really happy with the concept.
Swami Balendu explains how many women but also men feel beautiful or good about themselves only if they look at someone who is less beautiful than them!
Swami Balendu writes how comparisons with others make many people stressed and unhappy. Read what you can do against this habit!
Swami Balendu writes about people who experience burnout and need to recover from it. Read what these people need and a suggestion what they could do.
Swami Balendu describes the way how many people get burned out. All the stress and pressure brings them to a breakdown – and depression afterwards when their life doesn't make sense anymore.
Swami Balendu writes about the competition at workplaces, the rewards that artificially push the ego and the big breakdown that can come when there is no achievement anymore.
Swami Balendu writes about the fact that there is no other person who is exactly like you. You are unique and an individual – realize the consequences!
Swami Ji writes about the idea of holding yoga postures for long times such as half hours. Read why he does not approve of this kind of yoga practice.
Swami Ji speaks about India buying weapons. Read his opinion about this purchase and what is going to happen with that.
Swami Ji writes about motor-sports and car races, its well-known dangers and side effects and asks why this is called a sport.