My Escape from the tantric Grasp of a Pole-Dancer – 1 Sep 13
Swami Balendu describes how he was finally able to leave the place of the former pole dancer who had become his organizer.
Swami Balendu describes how he was finally able to leave the place of the former pole dancer who had become his organizer.
Swami Balendu beschreibt, wie er es schließlich schaffte, vom Studio der ehemaligen Pole-Tänzerin, die seine Organisatorin geworden war, abzureisen.
Swami Balendu tells how the story continued when he found out his organizer, a former pole dancer, didn't only sell Tantra but also spread the rumour that he was gay!
Swami Balendu erzählt, wie die Geschichte weiterging, als er herausfand, dass seine Organisatorin, eine frühere Tänzerin an der Stange, nicht nur Tantra verkaufte, sondern auch das Gerücht verbreitete, er sei schwul!
Swami Balendu describes how he once got a private show by a pole dancer. Read how it came to it and what followed after that.
Swami Balendu beschreibt, wie er einmal eine private Vorführung an der Stange bekam. Lies, wie es dazu kam und was daraufhin geschah.
Swami Balendu tells how he started another adventure on his travels which involved Tantra and its popular Western interpretation as a sexual practice.
Swami Balendu erzählt, wie er ein weiteres Reise-Abenteuer beginnt, das Tantra und dessen bekannte westliche Interpretation als sexuelle Praxis beinhaltet.
Swami Balendu tells about January 2004 when he heard of red, white and black Tantra for the first time.
Swami Balendu erzählt vom January 2004, als er das erste Mal von rotem, weißem und schwarzem Tantra hörte.