How to deal with the Knowledge that you won’t be alive much longer – 28 Oct 15
Swami Balendu writes about life-threatening diseases and handicaps, how to deal with the news of such a disease or accidents and the only option to go on.
Swami Balendu writes about life-threatening diseases and handicaps, how to deal with the news of such a disease or accidents and the only option to go on.
Swami Ji describes two individual sessions after each other which both were about the topic devotion in a relationship. Read how different the experiences can be.
Swami ji writes about the cases of sexual abuse that took place in India and discusses who would be capable of such a crime.
Swami Ji writes a story of a bus and the German system which is often in every small part of the thinking. Read about a funny comparison.
Swami Ji writes about free school for handicapped children. In India it just started whereas in the west it is supported by government since long time.