How lots of Sex can become a dry Ritual – 2 Dec 15
Swami Balendu describes how you can be bored and unsatisfied in an open relationship even though you are having lots of sex!
Swami Balendu describes how you can be bored and unsatisfied in an open relationship even though you are having lots of sex!
Swami Balendu describes the ongoing preparations at the Ashram for an event on the weekend: the donation of your body after death.
Swami Balendu tells of the experiences guests had at a ceremony they were urged to participate in. Read why he thinks it funny but also a bit concerning.
Swami Balendu describes the situation of many young, advanced and modern Indian men and women who have traditional families – and may not like admitting this in front of their friends!
Swami Balendu describes how his friends had the idea to get married at his Ashram and how they finally did marry, in spite of some misundertanding.
Swami Balendu tells a funny anecdote of a ritual that he had in the house of a friend. Read how a lot of holy and blessed milk just went down the drain.
Swami Balendu describes another type of superstitious person, the successful businessman with lots of money who is afraid of losing it all if he doesn't follow his superstition.
Swami Balendu writes about the belief of his father and grandmother, about the religious aspects after the death of his mother and his grandmother's most recent statement on religion.
Swami Balendu describes how cruelly the religious concept of Panchak creates fear in people even after already one of their loved ones died.
Swami Balendu describes the traditions and customs on the 13th day after death. Read what his family did.