What to do if insecure People want to put you down – 18 Nov 15
Swami Balendu describes a type of person who is basically insecure and satisfies his or her ego by putting others down.
Swami Balendu describes a type of person who is basically insecure and satisfies his or her ego by putting others down.
Swami Balendu beschreibt eine Art Person, die im Grunde unsicher ist und seinen oder ihr Ego zufriedenstellt, indem er oder sie andere runtermacht.
Swami Balendu writes about ego in relationships, how it often creates problems and how, finally, one can overcome ego problems in front of one's partner.
Swami Balendu schreibt über Ego in Beziehungen, wie oft das Beziehungsprobleme verursacht und schließlich wie man Egoprobleme vor seinem Partner bewältigen kann.
Swami Balendu tells of an invitation to receive an award – and why he finally didn't only not get it but writes this blog post about it!
Swami Balendu describes people who present every small and easy thing as a huge task, as difficult and nearly impossible!
Swami Balendu beschreibt Menschen, die jedes kleine und einfache Ding als eine riesige Sache darstellen, die schwierig und fast unmöglich ist!
Swami Balendu describes the ego and arrogance that many religious people have while pretending to be humble.
Swami Balendu beschreibt das Ego und die Arroganz, die viele religiöse Menschen besitzen, während sie vorgeben, bescheiden zu sein.
Swami Balendu answers a question of an Indian man who is against dowry system and wonders whether he should stay away from weddings.