When Religion limits Freedom of Choice, Opinion and Expression – 16 Sep 15
Swami Balendu describes how religion is often different from his basic idea of freedom: it restricts people, wants to convert them and even kills those who refuse.
Swami Balendu describes how religion is often different from his basic idea of freedom: it restricts people, wants to convert them and even kills those who refuse.
Swami Balendu describes how it is possible for him to be friends with religious people. Such people who don't try to convince him!
Swami ji writes about the idea of the Catholic Church that using contraceptives such as condoms could be against God?s will or opposing his creation.
Swami Ji writes about the question why everybody believes his boss, his employees, hiss teachers and his students to be more stupid than he himself!
Swami Ji writes about the ideal of beauty that TV, media and of course the cosmetic industry promote. But it makes women feel less beautiful and they don?t believe anymore that they are beautiful without make-up!
Swami Ji writes about people who show off their spirituality and religion and seem to have a kind of spiritual ego which makes them do this.
Swami Ji writes about people who have the need to convince others of what they believe in. Just believe in love and you don't need to argue about it.
Swami Ji writes about the school situation in India and why many children do not come to school regularly.
Swami Ji writes that you should not try to convince anybody to believe what you believe in because their own belief will be just right for them.
Swami Ji writes that you should not try to convince anybody to believe what you believe in because everybody has his own perception and intelligence.