Ask a stupid Question, get a stupid Answer – 19 Nov 12
Swami Balendu writes joke answers to common questions. Something to laugh, something to smile, just having fun.
The Funeral of A Stingy Man – 3 Dec 10
Swami ji writes a joke of his childhood about a man and his funeral plans.
Everybody Stupid but Me – 6 Oct 10
Swami Ji writes about the question why everybody believes his boss, his employees, hiss teachers and his students to be more stupid than he himself!
Guide to being a successful Guru – 21 June 10
Swami Ji writes in a humourous way how modern gurus can get success ? and what they should avoid.
How to truly Predict the Future – 20 June 10
Swami Ji writes about clever predictions and how gurus can do anything you want them to do.
A Potato Joke – 6 Feb 10
Swami Ji writes a joke about a farmer who wants to grow potatoes.
Cheeese – Why are you not smiling? – 9 Oct 09
Swami Ji writes about a puzzling fact: Indians smile in real life but are serious on pictures while the west does it different!
Doomsday and the End of the World – 3 Sep 09
Swami Ji writes about forwarded emails which warn of coming doom. But what if nothing happens on doomsday?
A Real German Guru – 15 May 09
Swami Ji writes about a funny evening with his friend who suggested that he should go back into his guru life just for one day as an exception.