Don’t do esoteric Business in spite of lost Faith – be honest – 12 Oct 11
Swami Balendu describes the situation of some ex-followers who don't want to leave the esoteric scene because they make their business in it.
Swami Balendu describes the situation of some ex-followers who don't want to leave the esoteric scene because they make their business in it.
Swami Balendu beschreibt die Situation einiger ehemaliger Anhänger, die die Esoterik-Szene nicht verlassen wollen, weil sie damit ihr Geld machen.
Swami Ji writes about the miracles that people from the west want to believe in and why exactly it is like this. Read explanations for their behavior.
Swami Ji schreibt über die Wunder, an die Menschen aus dem Westen glauben wollen und warum genau. Lies Erklärungen für ihr Verhalten.
Swami Balendu asks why westerners believe in Siddhis like materialization. Read how westerners fall for Gurus who show magic tricks.
Swami Balendu fragt, warum Westler an Siddhis wie Materialisierungen glauben. Lies, wie Westler auf Gurus reinfallen, die Zaubertricks zeigen.
Swami Balendu describes the practice of fake gurus to perform magic tricks that make people believe they have supernatural powers. Read about the rituals in which they pretend to have achieved those Siddhis.
Swami Balendu beschreibt die Praxis falscher Gurus, Zaubertricks zu verwenden, die Menschen glauben lässt, sie hätten übernatürliche Kräfte. Lies mehr über die Rituale, in denen sie vorgeben, solche Siddhis zu erlangen.
Swami Balendu describes a case in which a father performs cruel rituals with his children in order to achieve Siddhis. Read about the practice of Tantra in India.