Smoking banned in the Ashram but Smokers neither banned nor condemned! – 26 Apr 15
Swami Balendu tells that smokers are relieved and happy at his Ashram: they can go for a smoke in front of the gate with nobody judging them for it!
Swami Balendu tells that smokers are relieved and happy at his Ashram: they can go for a smoke in front of the gate with nobody judging them for it!
Swami Balendu describes how he may not have had the attitude towards vegetarianism, alcohol and smoking as people may have expected.
Swami Balendu describes his experiences in New Zealand where he was deeply shocked by meeting a 13-year-old girl who did prostitution.
Swami Ji writes about mothers who know that they should not smoke and drink with an unborn child in their womb but who do it anyway. Read about the consequences.
Swami Ji writes about teenagers who smoke and drink and the role of the parents in this. Do you approve of those activities? Do you even support them? Read his opinion.
Swami Ji writes about the lack of respect that teenagers have in front of their parents in the west. Read about the reasons and consequences of this behavior.
Swami Ji describes when parents need to give clear limits and take control of their child?s lives in order to prevent them from going too wild and down the wrong paths.
Swami Ji describes the visit of his first German friend to the Ashram. He tells how differences of culture led to funny situations.
Swami Ji explains that even if he writes his opinion in his diary and it doesn?t match the opinion of his friends, they should not mind as in a friendship people have different opinions.
Swami Ji writes about teenagers and why they sometimes act in ways that their parents don?t like. They smoke, drink, eat tobacco and more. Read Swami Ji?s opinion about this.