The Dangers of giving someone Access to your Mind – 18 Mar 15
Swami Balendu describes how dangerous it is when you grant access to your thoughts to a person who doesn't deal with it responsibly.
Swami Balendu describes how dangerous it is when you grant access to your thoughts to a person who doesn't deal with it responsibly.
Swami Balendu writes about the popular belief of many people in God and not in religion. Read what his opinion is and where he has to warn of consequences.
Swami Balendu writes about people who convert to Hinduism while there is even no concept of conversion. Read about the irony and the funny situations that result from it.
Swami Balendu describes the situation of women who left their sects and gurus and now tell of the forms of sexual abuse they have experienced.
Swami Balendu asks whether all sect followers are bad people and gives the example of himself leaving Hinduism after his retreat in the cave.
Swami Balendu describes a case which has come out in the open now in local Indian newspapers. Read about a sect that pretended to offer education to poor girls but actually did human trafficking.
Swami Ji writes about the different attitudes that sects have towards sex. Many tell their believers that they should either have lots of sex or no sex at all.
Swami Ji writes about a sect leader in the US who has been convicted for sexual abuse of children. He had many 'spiritual wives' who were not even adult. Read about such manipulations.
Swami ji writes about parents who raise their children in the sect that they are in. Children growing up in sects often have difficulties developing normally and naturally.
Swami Ji writes about another type of followers: strict followers who want to have only one guru and who don?t want to hear about any other guru.