You are currently viewing Black Magic Rituals – Do not get Cheated! – 18 Aug 08

Black Magic Rituals – Do not get Cheated! – 18 Aug 08

As I was talking yesterday about crazy ideas, I remembered an incident from London. I gave lectures there for nine days and one day I received an anonymous email from a woman who hid her identity. She wrote me a very long email describing her situation and her problem which I will summarize. In short, her situation was this:

She was married and had children and had a relationship with another man. She was living in a fear that her lover might leave her for another woman which is why she wanted to control him to stay with him. For this she got in touch with a person who claimed to have miraculous power and who told that he knew what she could do to make this man her slave for her whole life. In the email she described a monthly ritual in which she should take the blood of her menstruation to soak a piece of cloth and burn it. He had given her a dry plant which she should make powder of and mix the powder with the ashes of the bloody cloth. Each month she should somehow mix this powder in the food or drink of her lover.

She had done this four times when she sent the mail and she wrote that since she started this everything went wrong and got bad, her health, her family relations, her business and just her whole situation. This frightened her and she wanted to get rid of him but felt manipulated and stuck in the control of this man. He had taken a lot of money for this advice, for the plant and she even paid one pound per minute talking on phone for advice.

So she asked me what to do, asked me for help but she did not want to reveal her identity or meet me. I told her that I needed to meet but she refused. One day after finishing my lecture someone was going to drop me home and I was sitting in the car together with two women I did not know. They were sitting on the back seat and one of them started talking to me, inviting me to her home. I turned around, looked into her face and said to her: “But until now you only had sent me emails and didn’t want to meet. Good, I will come to your home.” She was shocked that I recognized who she was but it was good because then she could talk to me openly.

Then I went to her home and performed a fire ceremony together with her in which we burned all these things. I told her that she has a nice family and children. I asked her to take care of them. I left London a few days later and when I came back after six months I met her. She had finished her affair and was very happy with her family. She regretted this incident but was very happy at that moment. I was pretty amazed that in this kind of developed country, in this century, there are still people who sell this and others who go to this kind of people. It is also a kind of a love spell that she searched for. Find love inside yourself and take care to whom you go for advice.

Today in the afternoon Roger and I went out to ride the bike. 

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Simon

    Great article Swami Ji. This photo is absolutely wonderful! I hope the bike gears never gave your clothing any trouble!

  2. Henriette

    OMG how did you ride the bike with all those clothes on? Respect 🙂

  3. Hilary

    Ew that’s gross. Can’t believe it didn’t work, haha.

  4. Ginny

    that’s spooky Swami Ji, how did you know it was her? I’m glad you got to meet. She sounds like she was in big trouble.

  5. Emily

    That is very gross and disturbing. I feel sorry for the people involved. Though, if she didn’t want her husband to ever leave her for another woman, why was she cheating on him with another man?? She was clearly very disturbed and lost to be seeking a magic spell for this issue, rather than seeking to calm the fears that were making her crazy.

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