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Financial Security vs. Emotional Security – West and India – 25 Aug 08

Today we did Yoga with kids who came to my friend Sabine’s house. There were maybe ten children and we had a lot of fun, doing yoga postures which look like animals. They also could ask about India and whatever they wanted to know about us. It was really nice and one boy asked: “Do children in India come to school on elephants?” They were very cute.

After one hour with the children we also had a Satsang. The topic was about how to deal with difficult situations in the daily life. And you know that Vrindavan is in a very difficult situation at the moment. So I told a little bit how people cope with the water in their houses. It is very different from here in the western world. Yes, they are hungry and when you give them food they will desperately take it but they also play in the water and are not in panic. You know, the Yamuna is a holy river and when it starts coming into their homes they greet it, they even worship it before they start moving out of the house. They did not have much but they lost it and still, there is a big difference.

Once I saw a man here, in Germany, who had a computer crash. Even though he had backup data he completely panicked. And why is there such a difference in reaction? Because the trust is missing in the Western world. The security is in money, on a bank account or invested in the stock market but not in the heart. And in India people have a big trust that whatever God does is good. This is their security. They might not even know what a health insurance is but they have such a trust in God.

And this is how even in this situation the people are not in panic. We are trying to help and now many people are contributing. Tomorrow Purnendu will not bring food from the Ashram to the people but he will take a tent and bring along the cook and food so that the cook can cook right where the food is needed. Like this, people will get a warm meal. You can still help by donating on the flood-page or recommend it to others. Thank you for your support!

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Cheryl

    It is nice to share Indian culture with the children there, so many haven’t heard anything accurate about it and there are so many wonderful things to share.

  2. Hero

    Emotional security is out of sight, but we KNOW how to get financially secure. It isn’t as unattainable as other places in the world. I can understand going for that as a filler when you can’t be emotionally secure.

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