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Help Flood Victims in Vrindavan – 30 Aug 10

I told you yesterday already that the situation of the flood in Vrindavan is worse now than it has been two years ago, when we also went to help by distributing food in the affected areas.

Yesterday a team of the Ashram led by Purnendu, Yashendu and Ramona went to distribute food packages in the affected area where many of our school children live. However the food packages were not enough for everybody and we decided that we want to help more, especially when we saw that the water has entered in all houses and that people are living on their roofs now.

We have offered the families of our school children to come and live at the Ashram as their sons are already with us. However they are afraid that their belongings could be stolen. They want to stay there but they do not have any kitchen anymore to cook in. Where will they cook their food and what will they eat?

They cannot take our offer to stay at the Ashram and so we offered that they can send each day one family member to the Ashram where we will have a big lunch packet for the whole family ready. They can take the packets with them and feed their families.

This is the immediate help that we can give them until the day when they can use their kitchens again. However we know that once the water will stop flowing, there will be another problem: the water will be stuck in the streets, mosquitos will start coming and the first diseases will start spreading. We are planning to give medical help to those who need it to avoid that the diseases get worse and take lives.

So these are our plans for now and what is possible for us. However if we get support from you in the form of donations, we can also help more, for example make a food camp in the flooded area and distribute more food for them and maybe even help with fixing these people’s houses when the water is gone. There will be lots of work to do, cracks have to be fixed and houses have to be dried so that people can live there again.

As I mentioned, we already helped in 2008 but this year it is worse. When we sent out a newsletter asking for support two years ago, one person responded we should not say Vrindavan was flooded as the areas affected are built on land that was not approved by government and thus illegal. We replied that even though these houses may be built there illegally, the people who live there are not, they are in an emergency situation! They are people who need help, no matter if they built their houses on the right or wrong place!

I also know that you are these days asked for support from many different areas of the world, be it in Pakistan, China or Africa and we will be just one more organization that asks for a donation for doing good work. However we are a small organization and we will be able to show you directly where your donation went and helped. We will update our website with pictures and videos directly. We do not have any other high costs either because we are just here, on the spot and ready to help as soon as we get your support.

I want to ask you to please support us in our task to support these flood victims. We want to feed them in these difficult times, take care of their health and of their children and rebuild their homes once the water has left the area. Please help us with your generous donation. You can donate here.

As always each Penny and each Cent helps! And naturally, the more support we will get, the more support we will be able to give. Our organization has a tax-exempt status and you will receive a donation receipt for every donation. If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me by sending a mail to

Please also ask your friends and family to contribute their help, too.
Thank you already in advance for your help, I know these people will send you their blessings!

See pictures of yesterday’s food distribution and how the situation is now in the flooded area.



Video Download from
Flood in Vrindavan 26 August 2010

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Sabine Schmid

    I’m going to contribute to your aim to help those people, keep on doing the great things you do, all of you!!!!

  2. Tobias Rauchschindel

    Jup, i did as well. Its important to help All the best Swami j, Yashendu and Ramona

  3. Robin

    It is very sad to see this all, thank you for opening your help to these people. I will contribute myself and will ask all my friends and families to contribute in such great help. Every body should forward this message.

  4. Armin

    I`m sad that I can`t help with sending something physicly. I could only send my prayers and ask my friends for help…

  5. Rebecca

    Oh goodness! Look at those buildings all full up! Can’t imagine.

  6. Dharma

    This video is great, sad to see the footage, but I think it is necessary to show what’s really going on.

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