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Violence in Video Games: Children Kill, Murder and Rape – 12 Nov 10

Yesterday I wrote about toy weapons and how children learn to play violent games. Of course it is much the fault of TV shows, movies but also computer and video games. Electronics become more and more important to children nowadays and sometimes it seems that parents are not even aware of what their children are doing when they sit in front of the computer.

In the last years I already wrote about violent video games that made teenagers run amok, shooting around in their schools and killing teachers and students. Sadly this is the extreme consequence of letting children play such games. There are so many different games in which they play war, very graphically displaying murder and pain. As the player you have some kind of aim, you are the superhero who has to kill all bad people, you are an emperor who has to take over alien territory and kill former inhabitants, you are a fighter for good and sometimes you are even a fighter for evil. In most of those games you walk around and beat up or shoot others.

There is a very popular game on social networking sites like facebook of which I read an advertisement once: ‘Kill some time – Mafia Wars’. Why do we need to make children addicted to virtually getting illegal money, fame for being cruel and killing others?

Is this really something that should be made that much easily available to our youth? Is it at all necessary to ‘play murdering’, to ‘play war’? Why do such games get developed at all? Don’t those people who are behind that see that it will increase aggression and violence in our society? A child, with a mind that still learns from every impulse that it gets, sees only hurt, pain, blood and death! If you sit several hours in front of a screen, solving every problem that comes in front of you with violence, wouldn’t you think that violence is the solution for every problem? Where does this lead our world?

When I wrote about this previously, one of my readers pointed my attention to a new kind of game, something that I had never heard of and of which I wish that most people in this world will never even hear of: rape video games. It started in Japan where they developed the first of such video games in which you play a character that has to rape women and girls in order to get to the goal of the game. It is called ‘Rapelay’ and includes molesting and groping up to complete rape. I have never heard of anything more disgusting and horrible.

I hope my readers are just as shocked as I was when I read about these games and I just want to say again: don’t let your child play anything violent! A rape game is one of the next steps for those who get bored with the usual action games, for those who want more than just killing and murdering. If we make our youth think that violence and rape is something normal, something that you can play with, we can only imagine how the future of this planet will look like! Do not encourage or support any such video games and limit the time of your child in front of the computer or game console! They may not like it at that moment but it is the best thing that you can do for their and our all future!

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Jeanette Ella Karren

    I agree. I don’t understand why such games (especially those depicting rape) aren’t completely shunned. The violence we tolerate as a society is suffocating. My response to a game about rape is disgust and nausea, why have some people lost that shock? Just like you said: movies, TV and video game violence being considered normal. Thank you for your postings!

  2. Armin

    I totaly agree, this kind of games should be fobidden.I heard people say that this kind of games do not influance a person, and that this kind of games are permitted to be only used by adults.
    This does maybe fit to the people who make this statement, but not for people who didn`t have a stabil mind. And childs are always interested in thinks which a forbidden for children, and they will find a way to get this kind of games.

  3. Deniz

    It’s sad to see these degenerate aspects of Western culture now infiltrating the East, where spiritual traditions have apparently not been strong enough to resist these negative influences.

  4. Ursula Nujici

    ohhhhhhhhh my GOD I AM SHOCKED !!!!!!!!! I hear for the first time about this rape game…I cant believe it I really cant believe what a sick mind had programmed such a game!!!!!!!!! it is so disgusting!!!!!! I even don’t want to imagine what it will do to Children brain… what kind of synapses this connect in a brain that will influence this Children’s Thoughts and feeling ! this things may seems so harmless to some but it changes them for ever!!!

  5. Hans-Christian Vom Kolke

    The problem is also a more general one. People and especially children get “soaked in” into an almost addiction to electronic media and games.That’s why we in our family are so strict with electronic media consumption concerning our children.
    But what the heck do people think when they give children access to violence as you described? Adults who watch or play such things must have some very big pain or strong rage in their soul from their childhood. I’m always disgusted be these kind of things and have no desire to get into contact with violence.

  6. Manoj Kargudri

    Pranam Goswami ji, You are correct. Ragging is a menace, a destructive behavior, by the young generations to make new friends and new introductions. It also reflects their attitude, their family/grown-up environment surroundings. Wonder, what made them so possessive and destructive. To what extent did media helped in carving their attitudes. Does India really needs moral education? The answer is BIG YES! What constructive measures are the authorities implementing to heal, cure and cleanse the YOUNG BLOOD? Lets create real leaders who are calm, gentle and humble. Lets not create LION KINGS any more. These are contagious! Lets walk our path of life with brotherhood, love and compassion. Lets be ROLE MODELS.

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