You are currently viewing Doing Business for Charity rather than Doing Charity as a Business – 4 Mar 11

Doing Business for Charity rather than Doing Charity as a Business – 4 Mar 11

When I yesterday talked about what a businessman does and that I like to see myself as one, I did not yet speak about another aspect which is often associated with businessmen. They tend to be seen as greedy and tricky when their business is concerned. Of course I believe the only way for me to do business is in an honest way.

It is actually obvious. If your firsts priority is business and only business, your goal is to make deals and grow your company’s profit. With this priority and goal, all other principles may be only of secondary importance. You become more flexible and compromise with other principles in order to achieve your goal. This includes values such an honesty and dignity. People who become greedy in business sometimes become dishonest and when they see money do things that their pride usually would not let them do.

I like to do business but it will never be my first principle. My first principle will always be to act with love and to be clear, honest and direct. You will never see me lying in order to improve my business.

Another point which is very important for me is that I do not like to ask anybody for money. It is my nature which I have noticed in my childhood already and it does not allow me to beg. Even if I ask someone for a donation for these children, I cannot only walk around and hold a donation box. I would not feel good just to sit there and do nothing. I want to do business. I am working and from that I earn money. With this money I support children. This is the businessman that I want to be. I will bring money to these children, not by begging for them but by working for them. This I see as real charity.

Unfortunately most of the gurus that I was always talking about became pure businessmen. They forgot about other principles and often even forget about doing charity when they see their own profit. They use charity only as a store sign, getting people to give them donations and then make very big money. They actually are big corporations. They are however hidden corporations and in the front there is a guru asking people for donations.

I rather earn money in an honest way and then give it to charity than begging for charity money or cheating people into giving donations and then keeping it for myself.

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. Caroline

    Swami Ji, you are without doubt the most honourable businessman I know! I have met many who say yes, I like earning money, but only a few who have principles like you. You could have made so much more money by playing the guru but you decided not to be anybody’s guru. On the contrary, you are serving mankind with the business that you do. I wish you all the success that this world can give you!

  2. Mirella

    The question with charity is always the same: how do you get people to give. There are many organizations, Plan International, World Vision and more, that also offer you to sponsor a child etc. You wouldn’t say they are going begging, would you? It is just a fact that you are the head and face of your charity organization and you are at the same time the messenger to people about what you do. I never saw this as begging.And whatever you do beside that is business. Doing your business honestly should also just be normal. Unfortunately it is not always.

  3. Swami Balendu

    Thank you dear Caroline. I hope we will see you at the Ashram soon so that you can see our work and children yourself!

  4. Marina from Hungary

    Good point. Of course nobody would say Plan International is doing business when they offer you so send your sponsored child a doll which costs $40. In reality this doll costs $2 or less in the country that child lives in but Plan uses the rest of the money for their whole project. Nobody would say this is wrong either… and they are not begging either.

  5. Hans-Christian Vom Kolke

    I have often this question. As you know, I’m a Rotarian. A good guidance is always the the Rotary 4 Way-test:Is it the TRUTH?
    Is it FAIR to all concerned?
    Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
    …This is an easy guideline to be honest and upright in your Business as well as your every day Life!


  6. Asheem Aggarwal

    The essence of not-for-profit business

  7. Inese Gulbe

    0E”I rather earn money in an honest way and then give it to charity than begging for charity money ” AGREE 🙂

  8. Swami Balendu

    Yes I think this is the right way.

  9. Tricia

    Business st its heart is good for the world, it’s the greed and money that you had mentioned tht have changed it into something that cheats people and takes advantage of innocent people. But I agree that if business were conducted in a way of love than it isn’t at all bad and actually the world could use that kind of business.

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