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Love your work to avoid wasting your Lifetime – 21 Jan 15

After having written about the medical profession yesterday, I would like to write in general about the love for you work, for that, which you are filling your life with. In my opinion it is necessary that you love what you do!

For a majority of people, their work fills a good part of their day. Eight hours in a day is a very normal time period to work and for many people it is even more than that. Calculating that you sleep another eight hours, need one hour for personal hygiene and bathroom rituals, another hour – again for many even more – for getting to and from your work place, you are left with six hours of your day. In these six hours, you have to do grocery and other shopping, do the household and eat. Finally, you have a little time left to relax, spend with your friends and family, play with the kids or invest in your relationship.

Not that much, right?

While in many countries, you have a five-day working week for most people, others have to work six days and many even for seven days a week, with one day shorter times or more holidays.

So you do spend such an amount of time at your work that it is necessary that you like what you do! Don't you see what you are doing with your life if you don't? Every day, every week, every month and every year you are investing time in something you even dislike or hate!

It won't make you happy, it won't satisfy you. It will make you sick.

I know, I know, people will say ‘But I have to work to make a living!’ and argue that you cannot choose where you get accepted and employed. If you really think of it however, in most cases you do have another choice! You are staying in a job that you don't like, compromising with a big amount of time of your life for other reasons, most of all money.

For many, it would be possible to work in a way that would make them happier and fulfill them, if they could accept that it wouldn't bring them as much money. They wouldn't starve or experience hardship – it would just not be that much.

And that’s why I encourage everyone to find a way to be happy. Learn liking and loving your work or change something. Maybe you can reduce the hours and start a second job in a more fulfilling position. Maybe you can change completely by just cutting down your other expenses. Maybe you start a business of your own, working hard and more but at least for something that you are passionate about.

Just don't waste your precious lifetime with something you don't like.

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