Do you work only to earn money? Or do you enjoy your work, too?
Balendu writes in his blog about work, different attitudes with which you go to work and how you spend your day. You can work much more efficiently when you love your work.
He also mentions people who do not want to work and those who are addicted to work.
Swami Balendu writes about the popular idea of many people who work long hours so that they can save money for their children. Read why he recommends no to do this.
Swami Balendu writes about the importance of enjoying one’s work. It is what you do for a big part of the day, so you should make sure you like it!
Swami Balendu describes how people reply to the question why they would like to change their job – and why you should not answer like them!
Swami Balendu describes interviews with teaching applicants who were very obviously so religious that they were not eligible for teaching at his school.
Swami Balendu tells his view on an issue someone asked him about: after lots of stress at work, he is too tired or has no time to sleep with his wife! What to do? Read his answer here.
Swami Balendu tells about his work and why exactly he loves it, although he works much, from home and with family members.
Swami Balendu urges people to use the time of their life reasonably by not doing work which they dislike, as it is a lot of time in a day, week, month and year!
Swami Balendu writes a thank you and a reminder to people working in medicine: you have to be involved – and keep distance at the same time!
Swami Balendu describes the many problems that would be solved at the work place if more women were managers!
Swami Balendu describes how many people in management still shout and yell at their teams – out of conviction, habit or pressure from above?