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Do something different than mainstream Media – spread good News! – 8 Jan 15

I yesterday told you that someone wanted to know the reasons for us to publish our charity work online. I replied in detail why exactly we told you about Monika, her accident, treatment and progress. Today I would like to explain a bit more in general why I believe writing or speaking about your good deeds is not necessarily bragging and showing off but rather an important action!

I seriously believe that more people should tell others that they did something good! This world can be so negative, depressing and dark that it sometimes is like a light of hope when you realize that someone is actually doing something good as well!

I am serious about that! When you switch on the TV, you get to see the worst possible news: murder, rape, terrorism and war. When you read the newspaper, you see the same, black on white. It is necessary to hear about that, too – but I really sometimes miss the positive news next to them. Something nice, something happy, something that makes you smile. There is a lack of positive content in news reporting and I believe even individuals can make a change, due to the possibility that the internet provides!

That’s why we also tell of our children charity projects, of the good stories, of the help we can give, with the support of many others. If you read on facebook, on twitter or on a blog that you sometimes open, how someone has helped another person, wouldn’t you be happy about it? If you have even donated to that person’s charity organization, wouldn’t you be even happier, thinking that you somehow contributed to another person’s happiness?

Something good is happening, there are people who take care of others! This is the message I would like to give – but what can we really do? We are doing this on a very small scale. There are so many rich Ashrams, temples, organizations and individuals out there that so much more could be done without any big effort! Why don’t they come out and help others, teach those poor children and help people find work, leave addictions and overcome emergencies?

There are many who do. And for those who don’t, we tell. Maybe we can inspire someone, maybe we will show the way to others.

In any way, I know that there are many who help silently. I want to encourage all of them, too, to break their silence. Talk about it, let us know what you are doing, send the good vibes of your actions around the world and show people that there is positivity, altruism, charity and a helping hand in this world!

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