Today I would like to introduce you to a former employee of the Ashram and her daughter who has been at our school since the very beginning. In fact, four of her six children have been at our school and we have been supporting their family for many years. The girl is called Ruchi and is now 17 years old.
Her mother, Mamta, has been cleaning and helping our mother already in that time when my parents were still living in our town house. I believe it was 2003 when she started at our place. She moved with us to the Ashram and many of our guests of the past ten years will remember her, cleaning the Ashram while singing. Unfortunately in the past year, her health has deteriorated, she got swelling in her feet and water retention in various places of her body. Additionally she gained weight and then had issues with her breathing and more. To make it short, she was not able to work anymore and we parted on good terms, keeping on supporting her children.
What many of our guests who have met Mamta won’t know is that she is the mother of six children and already has five grandchildren! Her eldest daughter is 25 years old, her second daughter 23 years old, both are married and have children. Then there is a son with 19 years who has lived at our Ashram for several years and is now learning to be an electrician in Delhi. The next two, Rahul and Aman, have done their primary education at our school and are now at a higher school, 14 and 15 years old.
And last but not least there is Ruchi with her 17 years. You will wonder why she, being older than her two brothers, is still in the 6th class of our school while her brothers have already passed the 8th class. The reason is that they all started school at the same time and then their parents did not pay as much attention to sending their daughter to school as they did for their boys! That’s how Ruchi was often not present and had to repeat a class because she didn’t get good results in her exams.
By now however Ruchi has picked up and takes learning serious herself which has improved her results in school! At home however, they are in a crisis.
For many years, one big problem of the family had been that the father enjoyed gambling. Obviously, he regularly lost money, his own earned money and that of his wife, and often that left the family with troubles making ends meet! Now however, the problems got even worse!
The family father has been working in the Ashram opposite ours as a cook for many years. Not anymore now however – because he had sex with several female employees and even a customer of the Ashram. His wife, along with the children, went to help out at the Ashram often, not against payment but as Sewa, service to the guru. She obviously got to know about her husband’s cheating – and they caused a scene. She asked him to leave work and the women there, he hit her and finally his employees asked them to leave.
They had been living in a room provided by the Ashram as well, which obviously they had to leave. They have rented two rooms nearby – but now they have to pay about 65 US-Dollars of rent every month and don’t have a steady income anymore! The father goes to cook at every possibility he finds in order to get enough money.
It is a difficult time for the family but we want to ensure that Ruchi will not, as they might try, quit her schooling in order to help out. We will be in touch and will further support this girl’s education as far as she will go!
If you would like to help us helping children like her, we welcome your donation for a child sponsorship or for a food for a day!