You are currently viewing Anar ka Raita – Recipe for Pomegranate Yoghurt Sauce – 26 Jul 14

Anar ka Raita – Recipe for Pomegranate Yoghurt Sauce – 26 Jul 14

It is summer here, we are in Luneburg and going to the Baltic Sea beach today! There is a dish which would be lovely to eat at the beach, as it is a complete summer dish: Anar ka Raita, yoghurt sauce with pomegranate.

Anar ka Raita – Pomegranate Yoghurt Sauce

Light, fruity and delicious! Try a yoghurt with fruit that is not sweet!

How long does it take to prepare Anar ka Raita?

Preparation Time:


2 Pomegranates
500 g Yoghurt
1 tsp Cumin
1/4 tsp Black Salt

Salt according to taste

How to prepare Anar ka Raita

This is one of the simplest recipes we ever wrote and I even laughed today and called it more of an idea than a recipe!

You don’t need to do much. First, you take the yoghurt and a blender and blend it so that it gets a bit more liquid. After that, add the black salt and salt according to taste.

The only tricky thing about this dish is how to peel the pomegranate but once you know how, it is easy: you have to cut out the stem, the top of the fruit. Then you cut the skin of the pomegranate without cutting the seeds inside. You make six cuts as if you would make pieces but only cut the skin of the fruit. Then you hold it, turn it to open it and then, when you have one piece of the fruit in the hand, turn it and hold it on top of a bowl. Take the bottom side of the knife or a spoon and hit onto the pomegranate – the seeds will now just fall out into your bowl!

Put those seeds into the yoghurt and gently stir to mix them well. Of course, if you would like to have more, you can add more or add less if you want to have less pomegranate in the yoghurt.

Now you take the cumin seeds, put them into a pan and roast them until they are dark brown and have spread a wonderful smell in your kitchen. Place them into a mortar and grind them to powder.

Finally, spread this cumin powder over your yoghurt – it can also be used as decoration!

Enjoy your Anar ka Raita!

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Ihjaz Ahmad

    Oh my goodness, this looks delicious! I’m definitely making Pomegranate Yoghurt Sauce! thanks for sharing! A healthier option for a family favorite.

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