You are currently viewing A Normal Day – Ayurvedic Cooking, Partner Healing and Darshan – 23 Apr 08

A Normal Day – Ayurvedic Cooking, Partner Healing and Darshan – 23 Apr 08

We are sorry that you could not read the diary in the last two days or any other text on the website. It was a technical problem from our server. We will try to change something so that it will not happen again in future.

Apart from our technical problems our day was quite busy. Today I started early with healing sessions and Sonja went to do grocery shopping for the cooking workshop in the afternoon. Together with the participants Yashendu prepared a wonderful dinner while I had the last healing sessions. One of them was a partner healing with two of my friends whom I also know since quite a while, Eva and Thomas. I am always very happy to give these healings for supporting the love between two beings who found each other.

In the evening when it was time to go to the Darshan it was raining a little bit and the air had a very beautiful smell. It did not rain since quite a while; it was not much today, either; and it is getting warmer each day. I think spring is coming and soon it will be wonderful to look outside and see all the flowers in the gardens shining in different colours.


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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Rebekah

    I love nice relaxing days with friends.You must be experiencing a lot of that in your travels… I hope!

  2. Ollie

    Technical problems are always a mess. But technical problems while traveling can be a nightmare! glad you got it all sorted. Best of luck.

  3. Sharon Davis

    Oh how sweet. I wish my husband and I had known you when we were about to get married.

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