You are currently viewing A New Project: New Yoga Dresses and Yoga Mats for the Children! – 19 Aug 13

A New Project: New Yoga Dresses and Yoga Mats for the Children! – 19 Aug 13

If you have subscribed to our Newsletter, you probably already have an idea what I am going to tell you today. We have a new project: we need new yoga mats and yoga dresses for the children of our school – and we would be happy about your support!

Throughout the year, visitors come to our Ashram. They visit the school, they enjoy playing with the children, they watch them having food and they are always happy to see their daily yoga class in the morning. Whether they have come for a yoga retreat, for sightseeing in the area or just for relaxing, they are welcome to join them. We love the yoga classes of the school and are proud that our children do yoga – but unfortunately their yoga dresses and yoga mats are not anymore very beautiful to look at!

We started the yoga classes in 2010. It was a logical choice to make – we don’t have a gym to give sports classes in but some kind of movement should be in the curriculum of a school. Obviously, yoga is not only the kind of movement we know most about but is also something that does not require a whole lot of space. Just enough to spread out mats for all children. That’s what we did – and it has been a big success. The children enjoy it, our guests love watching and a lot of people have had fun joining in.

Apart from the movement, yoga also supports the children mentally. Yoga is not only physical exercise but also helps concentration, memory and the ability to focus your thoughts. And while a lot of other sports create a competition in which the children have to constantly watch others and their progress, comparing it to their own and trying to keep up, yoga requires them to focus on themselves. They will have lots of competition to face in later life – they don’t need it in their ‘sports’ class in school!

The children kept on doing yoga every day they came to school, whenever it was not raining. They wore their dresses and washed them on the weekends. They rolled their mats out and together again, day by day. It has been three years now that they have done this with the same yoga dresses and the same yoga mats. Obviously, the children have grown. Some pants now look more like Capri pants because the children have grown tall, the colour of the print of most shirts has faded or washed out. The yoga mats are nearly rubbed through on the spots where the hands and the feet are most often. Some mats tore completely and were thrown away.

I think you get the picture and if I now tell you that we have a lot new students this year, so that the youngest students don’t do yoga because the mats are not enough for everyone anymore, you will probably understand that the project of buying new dresses and new mats has become a point of priority! Until now we always postponed the purchase because there were more urgent expenses – coming along with feeding and educating all these children – but today we want to ask you for your support in helping our children get back on the mat in nice new dresses!

The estimate for the costs for all yoga mats and yoga dresses is 1500 Euro. A lot for one person and a lot for us in one amount – but if you all support us with just a small contribution, I am sure we will soon reach our goal.

Here you can get the details and make your contribution

Help us! Not only your donation is much appreciated, also your support in spreading this project in the yoga community or to anybody who knows of the benefit of yoga and would like to help children! Yogis, yoga teachers, yoga students and everyone with a heart for children – we will be more than happy about your contribution!

I thank all of you in advance and am looking forward to showing you the new dresses and yoga mats once we have completed the project!

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