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No Public Transport Systems in Texas? – 29 May 10

We are here in League City with our friends Lola and Kevin, who invited us, as well as our friends Joanne and Jeff, with whom we are staying. Today is Joanne’s and Jeff’s son Ethan’s birthday and we thought about buying a present. Joanne and Jeff were busy preparing and so we thought about getting it ourselves but had to realize that we did not know any way how to get to the shop.

So we asked Lola and Kevin and Kevin had time to take us in the car to the shop. On the way we asked him if there was no public transportation here, no bus which you could take? And he said no, there wasn’t. And then here everything is very wide apart from each other, you cannot really just walk to the store, it is too far. So you have to have a car to live here!

When we said this Kevin mentioned that it was probably because of the oil production and business here that the government would rather have people buy fuel and gas for their cars, each person their own, than have 50 people hop onto a bus, using maybe more than a car but surely not as much as 50 cars.

Hearing this we were very surprised. In many places we know there is a very good system of public transport and the government encourages people to use it because it is so much better for the environment, there are no parking problems, everybody gets a bit more exercise and the gas is not all used now but can be used longer for the future. What about pollution and environmental protection? Why would you prefer to stand in long traffic jams, blowing all the smog into the air?

It is a pity but as long as people or governments anywhere in the world and especially in a big and developed country like America put the short-sighted interests of economy higher than the long-term risks for the environment, nature cannot be in balance. We need to take good care of this planet and not polluting it is part of this! 

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Sanjay Sehgal

    These american fatmoths just know about of the planet is non existant for them…If alone they are in right line 75% of this planet is saved swamiji..

  2. Renetta A Hunter Land

    Covenantal thought hides. We are called to care for one another, and are designated to care for the awesome gift that is our planet, our mother, Gaia. We are the caretakers. To many have allowed themselves to be silent, averted their gaze and thought.”It’s not my problem.” We are not respecting our Earth and thus not respecting the Giver of Life.

  3. Andrea Volkerding

    I have a hard time being “proud to be an american”

  4. Brigitte M. von Bulow

    Get a bicycle and join the growing amount of bicyclers in the USA:)..there is a new movement happening, dont despair.

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