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Are Humans on Earth more attractive Sex Partners for Aliens? – 3 Jun 13

I recently stumbled upon a video online which made me laugh and wonder about the big variety of people we have here on this earth! It is an interview with a lady who believes in aliens that come to the earth and also have sex with people. She actually believes that she often has sex with one of them, an ‘octopus man’ from another solar system!

It sounds ridiculous but this woman is serious about it. She calls herself a psychic who is in touch with all kinds of unearthly species: cat people, octopus people, ‘the greys’ – who look most like the stereotype image of an alien – and more. She and ‘her group’ go out in the night, when she is asleep. She explains that it is not a dream but that her spirit is actually travelling with those aliens in a UFO, exploring places within our solar system and even further than that!

When asked about the sex, which she apparently even had at a bus stop, she tells that she has a kind of boyfriend, or how she calls it, a ‘spirit friend’, who has sex with her. All those extraterrestrials indulge in sex but especially the cat people are sexually highly charged. I am passing this information on to you, just in case you ever meet one of them… It’s nice to know that before, I think…

In this way this lady is different from those whose alien-reports you usually hear. People tell they were abducted, they have been raped, forced to have sex with those horrible creatures from outer space who then made their experiments on them! She is enjoying the experience, as the second guest of the show, a scientist, points out. He is of the opinion that there is an explanation for all of what is happening, including her physical orgasms: it is all in her mind, her fantasy created these beings and it was so vivid that she could have orgasms with the imagination only.

I agree with the man who states that this is all just a creation of the mind. The anchor asks the alleged psychic why these aliens don’t show themselves, then we would all know that they are there. Unfortunately however they are not into ‘showing off’, she explains, adding that we all have our individual guides who only show themselves to us. A nice explanation for the inexplicable.

Finally, she is asked to give a proof, to show that they are really there, by telling the anchor what is in his briefcase back in the dressing room. After a very embarrassing attempt to guess the colour of the briefcase she tells that this does not always work when you want it to and that the beings don’t want to show it to her in that moment.

Well, I guess we have to still wait for the proof that there are octopus-like beings that have sex with us while we dream!

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