Surya Namaskar – Sun Salutation
The popular sequence of yoga poses that stretches, flexes and strengthens the whole body from top to toe.
The popular sequence of yoga poses that stretches, flexes and strengthens the whole body from top to toe.
A full twist for your muscles, nerves and all body parts!
Get rid of stress, pressure and even stress-related migraine simply by breathing in this way. Great for heart, lungs and your complete body.
Get relief of stress and tension and relax your mind with this cleansing of your scalp that includes a gentle massage of temples and upper nose.
Cleanse your nose, sinuses and nasal cavity by running water from one nostril to the other. Feels great and gets rid of extra mucus!
No stress, no migraines, no hyperactivity and no high blood pressure - just calmness and peace. Try deep breathing!
Great pose against constipation, menstruation pain, stress, fatigue and much more! Help your digestion, get fitter and in great shape!
Relax completely in between poses of your yoga practice or simply during your normal day. Good for blood pressure, hyperactivity, bipolar and much more.
Prepare yourself for meditation or meditate already while doing this exercise. A powerful breathing technique that clears the body from toxins.