Closeness for Sharing Emotions is Necessary! – 28 Nov 08
Swami Ji writes about sharing your emotions and how in modern families the closeness vanishes and a distance is created.
Swami Ji writes about sharing your emotions and how in modern families the closeness vanishes and a distance is created.
Swami Ji writes about one night stands and how the fear of being hurt can lead to a life in which you do not want to have relationships.
Swami Ji writes about arranged marriages in India and about how the concept of this relationship was thought to be.
Swami Ji talks about being a teacher and how important it is to create a connection of love and respect with the students.
Swami Ji talks about being alone which does not make you feel lonely. He also talks about being lonely while in a big group.
Swami Ji tells about his travelling life and how he has to say goodbye often. He also says that you need to treat others in the way that you expect them to treat you.