Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying – 17 Jun 11
Swami Ji writes about TM and the organization behind it as well as about a documentary he has seen about this topic.
Swami Ji writes about TM and the organization behind it as well as about a documentary he has seen about this topic.
Swami Ji writes a letter to Baba Ramdev about his protest on 4th June in Delhi which the government ended in the middle of the night. Read Swami Balendu?s words to Baba Ramdev.
Swami Ji describes the first type of followers in his series. Blind followers who don?t care who the guru is as long as he tells them what to do and they don?t have any responsibility.
Swami Ji describes a few typical ways how followers of gurus think. If they were cheated by one guru, they still believe that other gurus are true and right.
Swami Ji writes the reasons why in his eyes everyone has to judge. It builds self-confidence, is needed to form an opinion and makes life more interesting.
Swami Ji describes how gurus have partners but never accept them as wives. Read how disciples deny what is obvious: the 'very close female disciple' is his girlfriend!
Swami Ji writes about his attitude towards business, cheating in business and begging in charity. He wants to do honest business and then give money to charity.
Swami Ji writes about the birthday of fake godman Sathya Sai Baba to which Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and other important politicians came.
Swami Ji writes how people see their own relationships in different ways. He describes singles who want a relation and those who don?t, couples who are free for sleeping with others and monogamous couples.
Swami Ji writes about how men and women who have much Sex with different people are looked at differently in society.