Virasana, Hero Pose
How to sit in Virasana
At first sit on your heels and then move them out from under your buttocks so that your perineum is also in contact with the floor.
Benefits of Virasana
This yoga poses strengthens your thighs, knees, ankles and calves. It is good for digestion and recommended for people with issues of diabetes. Women who start the time of menopause should sit in Virasana to reduce pain and irregularity. It is said to control high blood pressure and is beneficial against asthma.
Tips and Help
Beginners can use cushions under buttocks, knees and ankles if any body part hurts.
Practice Time
3-5 minutes per training session. Practicing for longer time periods can harm your knees.
When to Avoid Virasana
If you have knee problems, pain and weakness in the knees or if your ligaments are worn or torn, you should avoid this position. If you are in doubt, please consult your doctor or physiotherapist and let your yoga teacher know about it.
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