Titali Asana Butterfly Pose
How to perform Titali Asana
Sit straight in Dandasana with your legs straight in front of you. Bend your knees, place the soles of your feet together and grab your feet with your hand. Pull them as close to your body as you can so that you feel the stretch.
Next step: start flying!
You move your knees up and down as high and low as you can.
Benefits of Titali Asana
The butterfly pose is good for the spine and lower back as well as your hip joints. It strengthens the muscles of your hips and legs and makes your hamstrings more flexible.
Focus Points
Sit straight and continue your normal breathing. You should feel the stretch in your legs. If not, pull your feet closer to your body and move your knees higher and lower.
Don’t make a hunchback and don’t jump with each movement of your butterfly wings. Just move the legs, not the complete body.
When to Avoid Titali Asana
If you are suffering from spinal injury or experience pain or discomfort in knees and hips while performing the posture, please consult your doctor and yoga teacher if it is safe for you to do the pose.
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