Maha Mudra, Mahamudra
How to perform Maha Mudra
Sit in Dandasana with your spine and legs straight.
Place your left heel on your perineum.
The sole of the left foot should touch your right thigh. Inhale deeply.
With exhalation you bend forward and make all three bandhas or body locks, the Mula Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha and Jalandhara Bandha.
This means you contract your perineum muscles, place your chin on your chest and let the vacuum in your belly pull your navel up and in.
Lean forward to grab your right toes with both hands, hold the air out of your body and stay in the yoga pose.
For coming out of the pose, release the locks and come up with inhalation. Repeat this posture from the other side.
Benefits of Maha Mudra
In yogic scripture it is said to be one of the greatest postures as it includes all the three Bandhas.
This gives control and command over your mental and physical constitution. It has all the benefits of the three different locks combined in this posture.
Your digestion and metabolism with all your internal organs benefit from this yoga pose. Spleen, pancreas, kidney, gall bladder, bladder, prostate gland and your bowels are all stimulated to work properly. This of course helps you if you suffer from diabetes or irritable bowel syndrome.
Women’s menstruation pain and problems with the uterus and the ovaries can be prevented and cured.
If you have problems with your respiratory system like tuberculosis, this pose can help you.
By practicing this exercise you can strengthen your shoulders as well as your lumbar muscles.
The immune system as well as your endocrine system benefit from the exercise and your complete body is provided with energy. By pressing the heel on the perineum you also stimulate the nervous system which will bring benefits for your mental health.
With the combination of the locks the yoga pose provides blood flow and oxygenation to the brain which effects psychically by building up your self-confidence and concentration power.
Focus Points
Take care that the knee of the leg which is lying on the floor is straight.
When you perform this exercise, focus on your breath and on the locks. You should be aware that you should not breathe during the posture.
Don’t force yourself to stay longer in the posture than you can do easily. Never cross your limits!
Tips and Help
Before you practice the Maha Mudra, make sure you have practiced the three Bandhas separately so that you are sure how they feel.
Exhale from the mouth and close your eyes. If you cannot reach to your toes grab your ankle or calves depending on how far you can get.
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