You are currently viewing Superstitious People – Type 3: The successful, rich Businessman – 13 Mar 13

Superstitious People – Type 3: The successful, rich Businessman – 13 Mar 13

After the illiterate villager and the average middle-class person, I will today describe the third type of superstitious persons:

The superstitious, successful Businessman

I know this type very well because I have been in touch closely with many of them in a previous part of my life, when I was a guru in India. When I gave lectures and was preaching, there were always many rich people present and they were often also organizers of my program and this is how I got to know about the mindset of successful businessmen with lots of money who are at the same time religious – and thus superstitious.

Again superstition comes hand in hand with fear. The bigger their success, the bigger the fear that it could really be true, that the right time and date can have an influence on your success and thus your financial situation! That would mean a bad timing for a big decision could mean failure! Maybe even complete bankruptcy – the equivalent of the end of the world for this person!

So the superstitious businessman does full-fledged business but at the same time takes care to schedule important meetings on the right dates or, if it is not possible, to perform ceremonies to balance the problems of an inauspicious timing! With time he becomes convinced that his success is built on this superstition and is just horribly afraid of doing something wrong and thus losing it all! If their success is due to some higher power, a blessing or an energy, they feel it can leave them at any time if they do something wrong.

What does this actually mean? It is simple – they don’t trust in themselves or their abilities. They have low self-confidence and decide that it was not their work or talent that brought them money and success but some mysterious force. Obviously this makes them insecure, as they never know when their luck could leave them. As they don’t have any confidence in their own abilities, they have to keep on following superstition, trying to find out how they can persuade their good energy to stay with them so that they remain successful!

If you don’t believe that really successful businessmen can be that superstitious, I have the perfect example to prove you wrong: Mukesh Ambani, who is with a fortune of 27 billion US-Dollar India’s richest man and the ninth richest man of the world, built a 27-story-home in Mumbai for one billion US-Dollar. Before he moved in however, he found out that according to vastu, which is like the Indian feng shui, the house was energetically not good for the family and thus the whole family did not move into the house for months! Only after a long time and probably a lot of ceremonies and rituals to fix the problem, they could finally move into the house. So you see, even India’s richest man, who was criticized a lot for building this expensive house, waits for his priests, astrologers and other quacksalvers to give their blessing for him to move in!

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