You are currently viewing My Answer to the Question ‘Do Men lose Energy when having an Orgasm during Sex?’ – 17 Jun 14

My Answer to the Question ‘Do Men lose Energy when having an Orgasm during Sex?’ – 17 Jun 14

We have been on Gran Canaria for a complete week now already and have had a few very nice programs! The first of these was a lecture that I gave about a very popular topic: Sex and Freedom. I say it is a popular topic because, as always with this topic, the room was full and everyone wanted to know what I had to say about sex. After the lecture, there was time for some questions and answers and in the next days I would like to tell you a bit about this lecture and the questions and answers.

Obviously, one of the issues that I addressed in this lecture, was the concept of celibacy. It is the opposite of freedom, it is suppression of the natural sexual urge and leads to more problems than you can imagine. Sex has been made a taboo by religion and society for thousands of years and they presented celibacy and abstinence as a form of pure living. They presented celibate monks and priests as cleaner, better humans – the result however was uncountable events of sexual harassment, rape and other brutalities done by these ‘pure’ beings! Often onto those who were trusting them, who depended on them. Because the natural urge was suppressed and needed an outlet.

I said all of this during the lecture and then there was a question afterwards: Don’t men lose their energy when they have an orgasm?

I know that this is something that religion has presented as the reason for banning sex in an attempt to control people and even their basic instincts. You have to see it just as that though: a fairy tale that someone told in order to make you behave the way that they want to. A threat to make you afraid which has no base. Doctors have medically proved that it is fully wrong – and you can even experience that yourself!

Have you ever had a great orgasm? What were your feelings? Love, satisfaction, peace, complete happiness! These are not the feelings of someone who just lost all his energy! These are not the feelings of a man who just spent a part of his most precious life juice and thus feels weak! On the contrary – an orgasm fills you with energy!

Of course, if you did some healthy exercise during your sex session, you may feel a bit tired, weak and even like taking a nap – but after that you will feel more powerful, strong and full of energy! As long as you don’t let that such nonsense ideas create guilty feelings about the fact that you just had sex!

Celibacy is the most unnatural concept on earth! So don’t worry, enjoy your sex life and be happy!

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