I yesterday started telling you about the first lecture that I had on Gran Canaria. After my lecture, there were a lot of questions in the public to which I gave answers and I believe a few of them could be interesting for you as well.
One man asked ‘What actually is sex?’ and wanted to know how I defined this word. He added that sex, at least in his eyes, could already be in a kiss. But how was it defined in India?
I explained him that my view is in most cases – and especially when it comes to the topic of sex – different from the general Indian opinion. In India, sex is too much of a taboo and I will never agree to all the suppression that happens there! I am only talking about what I personally believe and think.
And I believe the same: sex is not limited to having intercourse! Sex is not equal to penetration! It is not only physical but includes the heart as well! Sex can even take place without the body! A beautiful evening with coffee can give two people the same feeling! A kiss, a touch, a beautiful time can be like having sex as well.
In the lecture, I had talked about celibacy before. I had told that I thought it to be the most unnatural concept of all – and now I just had to ask the audience to see celibacy with this definition of sex. If sex can be just a touch, who can vow to remain celibate? If sex is a wonderful evening with someone you love, how can you say you will never have that?
No, with this definition of sex – and I strongly believe that sex is more than just penetration – there is no question of celibacy at all! And if you think of the idea that celibacy could transcend any energy, that you save energy if you don’t have sex or that staying celibate could give you enlightenment – just try avoiding all kinds of activities that I described above as sex and see what will happen: it will make you sick!
Why don’t you just stop thinking about it and just enjoy it? Be in love, enjoy your time with those around you, enjoy having sex in whatever way you like – sleeping with each other, kissing, hugging or just sitting next to each other and being with each other!