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Teenagers having Sex for Money? Look at their surrounding! – 9 Apr 15

So I have been writing about people who cheat on their partners and told some funny stories as well. I mentioned how it is about India’s system of arranged marriage and the big taboo that is created around sex. Of course this is also a reason why it is so funny to tell such stories – but all the fun stops when you see another result of this suppression: when young girls start having sex, sometimes really lots of it, for money.

Unfortunately this really happens and while we hear about this, there is nobody that openly admits to it. People always talk about third persons but a direct approach will always result in shaking heads. Obviously – it is a kind of prostitution and everyone knows that it is not right. Nevertheless it takes place and not too rarely.

These are girls of families that don’t have a lot of money but who are also not really very poor. They are from the lower middle class for example or also the upper lower class. I am not talking about those who need to get money from anywhere, anyhow in order to eat. No, I am talking about those girls who choose whom they would like to have sex with against money, not because they depend on it but just because it brings them some more money than they would normally have!

When you ask me how they start going down that path, what the reasons could be for this kind of prostitution, I have to tell you just what I believe: the atmosphere at home. I think the most important part is the raising and upbringing of children which leads to what they do in their teenage and adult life.

I also think that children do what they see and when they get to know that both of their parents have several sex partners, they don’t think that there is anything wrong with that! They see men coming and going or women coming and going. If they saw their parents united in love as one, they would wish this for themselves, too!

And if one or two in the house are already hiding their sexual relationships, it is not difficult for a third one to do the same! This was the case with the daughter of the couple I already told you about.

Additionally the atmosphere and people of the surrounding will already be of the kind that encourage such behavior! A young girl, thirteen years old, knows about the value of money and unfortunately has a mind that can be easily manipulated as well. She doesn’t have much on her own and would love to have more – so why not do what her mother and father are doing as well and earn some more money?

Then there is the attraction that a teenager has to anything sexual anyway! Their body is developing, they have feelings, longing and desire! That is just natural and you cannot blame them for it! Instead of someone who tells them about it though, they have a surrounding that on one hand makes sex a taboo and on the other hand shows them several men who would offer to pay for it!

Combined with a lack of care and supervision by parents, the result is what we can often see: young girls who seem to get money from out of nowhere while being seen from time to time with different men of all ages.

So please, dear parents, think about what you are doing there! You are not only doing this to you and your relationship but also to the next generation!

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