You need self-esteem and self-confidence to be happy in life. You are unique and you can be proud of who you are.
Be happy about your body and your life, face life with a smile. Self-confidence gives other people trust in you because they see that you know what you are doing.
Balendu writes in his blog about self-perception, self-esteem and self-confidence.
Don’t make yourself smaller than you are – and accept an honest Compliment! – 26 Nov 15
Swami Balendu tells of a friend who received a compliment – but absolutely didn't believe that it could be true, which was expressed in one simple answer!
Right or wrong – Perception or Fact – 5 Nov 14
Swami Balendu writes about the big question: Am I doing the right thing? A thought that can appear in any area of life!
Maintain your Self-Esteem, even if it is difficult! – 4 Sep 14
Swami Balendu tells of situations when it is difficult to love yourself – and how you can nevertheless manage.
A 5-Step-Plan to boost your Self-Esteem – 29 Aug 13
Swami Balendu gives tips how you can – in five easy steps – give your self-esteem a big boost. Try it yourself!
Value your Time, Effort and yourself – don’t let others take Advantage of you! – 23 May 12
Swami Balendu describes situations when people who are close to you take advantage of you. He tells how to value one's effort and time.
Are you different than those around you? Don’t hesitate to show it! – 16 May 12
Swami Balendu writes for people who are afraid to show that they are different, believing that they would become outsiders. Read what to do if you feel you think different!
Silent Feedback – You agree but don’t have the Courage to admit it! – 14 May 12
Swami Balendu writes about a very interesting form of feedback that he always gets when he writes about very controversial topics: eloquent silence.
What if your Life is not how you thought it would be? – 20 Mar 12
Swami Balendu describes the most common expectations on our life and tells why we have to be confident even if life looks completely different.
Why is it good and necessary to be judgmental – 10 May 11
Swami Ji writes the reasons why in his eyes everyone has to judge. It builds self-confidence, is needed to form an opinion and makes life more interesting.