Come out of your System, Sect or Religion to see what is wrong with it – 21 Sep 11
Swami Balendu asks whether all sect followers are bad people and gives the example of himself leaving Hinduism after his retreat in the cave.
One topic of Balendu’s blog is sects – their behaviour, their people and their dangers.
Unfortunately spiritual seekers often get drawn to sects because of their promises, their organization, their group feeling and several other reasons. However their manipulative and brainwashing activities leave emotional and mental wracks behind.
Balendu gives several examples and experiences of relationships with people in sects or of former sect members describing their situation.
Swami Balendu asks whether all sect followers are bad people and gives the example of himself leaving Hinduism after his retreat in the cave.
Swami Balendu describes a case which has come out in the open now in local Indian newspapers. Read about a sect that pretended to offer education to poor girls but actually did human trafficking.
Swami Ji writes about the different attitudes that sects have towards sex. Many tell their believers that they should either have lots of sex or no sex at all.
Swami Ji writes about a sect leader in the US who has been convicted for sexual abuse of children. He had many 'spiritual wives' who were not even adult. Read about such manipulations.
Swami ji writes about parents who raise their children in the sect that they are in. Children growing up in sects often have difficulties developing normally and naturally.
Swami Ji describes how people follow orders in sects but also in their normal job life and don't even know why they do what they are doing.
Swami Ji writes about the different accusations and charges that the sect ISKCON has received over time and tells his opinion about it.
Swami Ji describes some of his experiences with members of ISKCON and how locals as well as foreigners feel strange about the behavior of devotees.
Swami Ji tells about a woman in a sect who asked him about his opinion for this sect but did not reveal that she belonged to it. He is happy about the filtering of this kind of people.
Swami Ji talks about sects, their goals, their way of getting people and about how to deal with it if your partner is in a sect.