When writing about spirituality and religion yesterday I could not help but think of the SEO practice that we are doing on our website. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and its goal is basically to be found easily on search engines like Google or yahoo if anybody searches keywords that are related to your website. The higher your website is displayed in Google when you search ‘Sponsor a child in India’, the more probable it is that people who are looking for helping a poor child come to you. Of course it would be best to come on the first page for each of your keywords.
SEO experts, webmasters and website owners try to get to that spot by adding keywords into their own page as well as finding people who link to your page with that keyword. If you had a website and you would link to us saying ‘Sponsor a Child in India’, Google would know that people searching for these words could find what they are looking for on our website. And this is how, if you search ‘Sponsor a child in India’, you will find us on the first page.
This much to SEO theory. You may be wondering now why I, a man who has spent more than three years meditating in a cave, is writing and explaining you about search engines. I actually have learned and made training so that we can get more visits to our website and more sponsors for our children, more support for our charity projects. It is great to work in this field, too. We have made many efforts, we have changed our complete website, its design, structure and nearly every text and we have linked to other important yoga and spirituality websites. In this way we have doubled the number of visitors on our website over the last 6 months according to Google Analytics, a program that shows statistics of visitors on your website. This is a growth of 100% and we are very proud of it. It means more people come to this website, read my blog, are interested in our programs, Yoga retreats and Ayurveda holidays and of course support our charity projects.
I already wrote that I do not have goals of having a gigantic company. I just want to help these children. Of course, I have changed with life. I have stopped reading and talking about religious scriptures and have started to read and talk about the internet in another way than all technical people. I cannot be a religious guru anymore but I have no objection to being a SEO guru – maybe a more spiritual one than other internet experts.
Again the question comes up what SEO has to do with spirituality. While I was learning about the ways how to make our website more visible, I have read about an old debate whether SEO was an art or a science. Is it a science with rules which will be the consequences of your actions? Or is it an art because you have to be creative in finding the right words and ways? And this debate reminded me of yesterday’s diary and the difference of religion and spirituality.
SEO experts have their own religion. There are rules for sins for which you can go to hell and there are definitely possibilities that you can go to heaven with. There is a formula which seems like the rules of a religion. The more quality links you have to your site, the better your ranking will be. If you are dishonest and put spam links or buy and pay for links and Google penalizes you, you are in the SEO hell because your targeted visitors will not find you anymore.
I think search engine experts need to be more spiritual than religious. This will actually solve their religious problems. In your SEO efforts you need to follow the common rules, your religious rules such as ‘Do not pay for links, do not buy links!’. For some people this seems difficult. You have to get links from other pages in order to get high in your ranking. So for that you can pay someone to put your link and your rank will go up. Problem solved but you may be punished for this sin and land in hell.
Now I say, come into spirituality! You have to work on getting your website up. However you should still love your content, your website, what you are writing and what you are offering. Then people will like what they read. You are creating great quality content that nobody else could present in this way because you are fully in your field of expertise. This is honest effort in my eyes. Then you will not have to pay for links and try to manipulate search engines because people just simply link to you from their website without even being asked to. They think more people should read about it and would like it. Then there is no need to do the sin, just simply because you love what you do – which I believe is spiritual. You change your consciousness, become more spiritual about what you do and you will get success!
In this way we have been working for the last year. I have seen my friends smile about my sudden enthusiasm to read and learn and work but then they are now happy with me to see the result. This much growth can only come from the hard work that our team did together with some lovely people who want to support us. Everybody can see it, also who has nothing to do with SEO: the website has gained a lot of content and each text has gained quality. We are happy to work spiritually and if spirituality comes into different aspects, be it technique, writing or search engine optimization, we will be happy to work in these fields, too. Love your work and love what you do, it is really worth it!
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I enjoyed this post 🙂 you have shown how the cave and the internet are not so distant phenomenon 🙂
Spiritual men can make use of religion in their own way.
This is a comical but insightful post! I think it’s very true that bringing spirituality into different aspects of life can make them prosper. If we have integrity, honesty, and love for what we do, it fares well in the universe because there is a spiritual wholeness to it. Whether it’s your business or your relationship, having these spiritual principles helps bring success and joy into life!
This is a lovely, interesting post. You have shown how spirituality affects all parts of our life and so becomes a way of living. I also think that it is great that you have embraced the internet phenomenon and are learning lots about it. Keep it up and you can become the SEO Guru!