You are currently viewing Kadhi – Delicious Ayurvedic Vegetarian Recipe – 8 Sep 10

Kadhi – Delicious Ayurvedic Vegetarian Recipe – 8 Sep 10

Today I would like to write down the recipe for one of Ramona’s favourite Indian dishes: Kadhi. Kadhi is a healthy Ayurvedic dish which looks a bit like soup and has a sour taste. It is a great remedy for colds, coughing and throat problems when drunk hot. This is also the dish which gave the name to the ‘curry’, a word which nowadays seems to be used for anything that is saucy and Indian. Try the original yourself:


Kadhi – A popular delicious Indian dish in Ayurvedic way


1kg Yoghurt 

1l Water

70-80g Chickpea Flour 

15ml or 1 ½ tsp oil (olive or any other plant oil that you like to use)

½ tsp fenugreek seeds, ¼ tsp mustard seeds, tip of a knife of asafetida, 5-10 curry leaves, 1 tsp turmeric, salt according to taste

Approx. 1 lemon, according to taste also more

How to Prepare Kadhi

Pour the water together with the yoghurt into a bowl and whisk the mixture. 

Mix the chickpea flower into it with the hand and make sure that it is well mixed. The flour has to be completely in the yoghurt and water so that there is no dry chickpea flour left. The mixture should be thin like buttermilk.

Heat the oil in a pot and when it is hot, shortly fry fenugreek seeds, mustard, asafetida and curry leaves. Before any of the spices burns, add the yoghurt mixture and keep on churning while bringing it to boil. Add turmeric and salt according to your taste and keep on churning. 

The longer it boils, the better the taste will be. It should boil at least about 20-30 minutes but you can boil and churn it for two hours, it will only increase the good taste!

In India we use sour yoghurt for this dish but when we are travelling out of India we often use lemon juice to make the Kadhi sour. Just pour it in in the end and enjoy hot Kadhi on your rice. 

You can add Pakori if you like and some people like it thicker whereas others like it very liquid. You can regulate this very simply by a bigger or smaller amount of water.

Tip by Ammaji: When the Kadhi starts boiling and rising in the pot, just put a small steel bowl into the pot, too, and there will not be any need of churning anymore. The curry will happily boil on its own while you prepare the rest of your meal.

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This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Jenny

    Dear Swami Ji, Thank you for the great recipe. Please write more recipes, in your Recipe section there are only 3 more.Looking forward to cook this one!

  2. Jessica Baer

    Simple Ayurvedic dishes are so comforting, healing and tasty. Thanks, Swami!

  3. Swami Balendu

    Sure, I will write more recipes in my diary so that you have more to try!Enjoy the Kadhi!

  4. Ursula Nujici

    Thats alot of Kadhi … 🙂 I will try it today for Dinner my little Brother will come over so thats a wonderfull idea to let him test healthy food … just need to get some more Yoghurt …. :))))) Thanks for shareing …I love coocking :))…))))))))See More

  5. Vinita Dwivedi

    add crushed garlic & sweet neem leaves to it before adding curd & gramflour mixture and enjoy the taste..

  6. Ursula Nujici

    Na no garlic for for me … it leaves me a heavy bodyfeeling and I become sluggish…I do replace Garlic with Hing / Asafoetida :))))

  7. Claudia Willmitzer

    missing the food at the ashram. that food and my grandmothers food are the best

  8. Yashendu Goswami

    We do not use Onions and Garlics in the ashram Kitchen as it is not considered as Sattvic food according to Yoga philosophy. Sweet Neem leaves are called Curry Leaves.

  9. Vesna Jovanovic

    Thank you Yashendu, Ayurvedic cooking is delicious 🙂

  10. Ursula Nujici

    Like I said I will cook this for my Brother …well it was a BIG success ..he even wanted more :)) I am happy :))) Thank youuuuuu 😀

  11. Khadija Sophie

    i am curious about indian food, and look forward to coming to India :))))

  12. Yashendu Goswami

    You are very welcome my dear. Come and taste Ayurvedic vegetarian food in Ashram 🙂

  13. Terry

    Oh yum, I’ve never heard of this before.

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