You are currently viewing Gawar ki Phalli Recipe – Guar or Cluster Beans – 3 Nov 12

Gawar ki Phalli Recipe – Guar or Cluster Beans – 3 Nov 12

In autumn and winter time, other vegetables enter our kitchens. Pumpkins, water chestnuts and beans are typical vegetables for the time when it is a little bit cold but not yet fully deep winter. Today I want to give you a recipe for beans. Beans come in many different shapes and sizes and today’s recipe is for guar or cluster beans, in Hindi gawar ki phalli.

Gawar ki Phalli – Cluster Beans

Prepare a delicious bean dish that is simple but very tasty!

How long does it take to make Gawar ki Phalli?

Preparation Time:
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500 g Cluster Beans
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1/4 tsp Asafetida
1/2 tsp Cumin Seeds
1/2 tsp Mustard Seeds
1/2 tsp Turmeric
1 tsp Coriander
1/2 tbsp Garam Masala
1/2 glass Water
Salt according to taste

How to make Gawar ki Phalli?

Take the beans and first of all pick the husks off the stems. Wash them all and then cut off a small piece from both sides of each husk. Cut them into small pieces.

Heat up the oil in a wok and when it is hot, add asafetida, mustard seeds, cumin and in the end turmeric. Stir the spices and let them roast a bit until they have developed their aroma. Now you can add the beans, mix them once with the spices and pour the water into the wok. Add a bit of salt which will help the beans cook fast. Stir and cover the wok with a lid.

In the next five minutes you will need to stir from time to time and you can check whether the water has vanished. Once it is gone, you can add coriander and garam masala. If you like to add tomatoes and change the dish a bit, this would be the right time to add them, in small pieces.

Stirfry the beans a bit more until they are fully soft. They should be ready after about five minutes. Check if they are cooked and if they are, take them out and serve them with rice and maybe a lentil dish. Enjoy!

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