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New York City to Houston, Texas – 21 May 10

Yesterday we had a beautiful evening with Su and Jeremy. We walked to their apartment and then had a salad and afterwards a great ice-cream at Times Square. It was like a celebration of our last evening in New York before we fly to Texas.

Today in the morning we got ready and then set off to fly to Houston where Lola and Kevin picked us up. Lola invited us to do healing sessions, spiritual counseling, meditations and yoga workshops at her yoga studio. After doing some shopping they dropped us at their friends’ house where we will now stay with the very nice family of Joanne and Jeff.

We are tired after travelling and the more than three hour flight and Ramona said ‘let us just write a few lines and put it into the category Really nothing’. So maybe you will find, this diary entry is missing some wise message, that’s how it comes into our popular ‘really nothing’ category, but maybe you will also find it nice just to get to know about our travelling.

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Sally

    Maybe there is information about this somewhere else that I couldn’t find, but how do you get in contact with these people who’s houses you stay in while traveling? Are people interested in hosting able to volunteer?

  2. Ramona

    Dear Sally,You can always look on our Calendar what is our program and there you also find the organizers’ information:
    You can call them and fix an appointment or also ask them if you can help them with organizing. We are always happy about people who want to help. If you want to host in your town and don’t see us coming there soon, you can first read this page:
    And we will be happy to come!

  3. Sally

    Thanks Ramona! I will definitely look into this.

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