I think I wrote yesterday already that it is getting hotter. At the hottest time of the day today it was 40 centigrade warm. And this is only the beginning of the summer. And with arrival of summer the garden starts smelling wonderfully of many different flowers. The mango season also started and in the last days we have been eating mangos daily. They are so delicious and sweet! This taste you can only get in this season! Ramona, who never liked mango in Germany, also loves it here. We have fresh mangos, mango ice-cream, mango chutney and other mango-dishes.
These are now my last days here at the Ashram again. You can feel it in the atmosphere that my family is sad that we will leave. Of course I also feel this heaviness of leaving my family but I am very happy in enjoying my last days. And my mother feeds us the most fantastic dishes each day so that we really enjoy each moment of these days.
Click here to see pictures of today/s lunch
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This sounds so beautiful. I hope that when I come to the Ashram the flowers will be in bloom. Of course I’d be happy to come any time. 🙂
The mango that I tried here in the ashram is really delicious. It’s taste is so intense, you can’t compare it with the mangos we buy in Germany 😉