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Stop searching and you will find it – 29 Jul 14

Yesterday I told you about a man who had come to me for an individual session, asking about the purpose of life. I have heard many people ask me about such philosophies and they nearly always tell me ‘I am a seeker’. Whatever they ask after this information is the second step but first of all, I would like to tell you that I believe already this approach is wrong!

People tell me that they are searching for something. They say it as if it was a description for them, a categorization for who they are. But tell me, what are you searching for? God?

If you search, it means something has got lost. Something is incomplete, you are missing something and have lost that which you are now searching for. If you have the feeling you are searching for god, the higher power, the omnipotent energy being that you imagine him to be, I have to ask you something: did god get lost? If he can get lost, can you really call him the highest power? He cannot even take care that he doesn’t get lost! No, this cannot be.

As an answer, people tell me that they got lost themselves, not god.

Another turn, another thought. Now YOU are the one who didn’t take care and got lost. Doesn’t it feel appealing now to follow a master, a guru or even an institution like religion so that you can find back on your way? How nicely you have been put in this situation!

If you search like this, you will be searching your whole life long and you will never find what you are looking for! You will remain a follower and seeker.

I have never heard anybody say ‘I was a seeker and then in found what I was looking for!’

You have to stop searching. Otherwise your whole life will consist of this search. You are unsatisfied in your life, this is the reason why you have the feeling you need to go on this search! Once you have realized this, return to your normal life and see what you have. Find out which part of life it is that you are not happy with. What exactly are you missing? It is not god or some mysterious power, I can assure you.

You have to find fulfilment in real life, not in an imaginary, unreal, fantasy world! Imagination offers you doubts – your real life offers you real happiness!

Enjoy the world around you. Yes, enjoy the material world, no matter how strange this may sound to your spiritual ears. Enjoying the material world means that you dive into life and taste its flavours! If you are happy and satisfied with life, you don’t have the thought of searching, finding or achieving something. You will realize that it is just there, that you already have it.

Love, happiness, satisfaction.

Stop searching and you will find it.

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